Taxable Value Audits & Property Value Study Appeals | MVBA

Taxable Value Audits & Property Value Study Appeals


Make sure your schools get the state funding they deserve.

mvba’s expert team is ready to help you simplify the intricate and complex legal processes around school funding. Don’t let your schools miss out on any of their much-needed funding.

Was your school district assigned local or state value?

The Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts conducts annual Property Value Studies to determine if appraisal districts are appraising property within their jurisdiction at market value. If the Comptroller’s office finds that property has not been appraised at fair market value, it “invalidates” the district’s local value, substituting its own estimate, “state value.” The Comptroller certifies this new value to the Texas Education Agency (TEA) for the purpose of determining state funding for the school districts.

Being assigned state value can result in a significant loss of school funding.

If you believe your district’s values have changed due to granted exemptions, bankruptcies, litigation or for other reasons, we can help. We work with you to determine if your district could receive additional funding adjustments from TEA.

Has your T2 value changed?

mvba proactively prepares Requests for School District Taxable Value Audits pursuant to the provision of Section 403.302(h) of the Government Code. We support clients throughout the audit process, preparing and providing all necessary forms, supporting schedules and data to the Comptroller’s Property Tax Assistance Division.